Discover the Future with the Intellis Blog

Your go-to source for thought-provoking articles on strategic facility planning, tech insights, industry trends, and innovation in facilities management.

Enhancing Corporate Real Estate Facilities: The Intellis Advantage

In the ever-changing business world, every little thing counts when it comes to achieving success. Each aspect plays a crucial role in a company's growth, from hiring the right talent to optimizing workflows. However, one vital element that is often overlooked is corporate real estate facilities. Believe it or not, the state of these facilities can have a significant impact on everything from employee satisfaction to overall business performance. In this blog, we take a deeper dive into the world of corporate real estate facilities and explore how they can become a game-changer for businesses.

5 Impactful Ways to Align Facility Capital Investments with Business Initiatives

What are the most impactful ways to align facility capital investments with business goals? Facilities play a crucial role in supporting the operations and success of all businesses. As a result, facility capital investments significantly impact a company's bottom line. However, to ensure that these investments align with the company mission, it is essential to consider several key factors. This blog will explore the best strategies to align facility capital investments with business initiatives.

We are here for you: Information and Resources about COVID-19 for Facilities Managers and Capital Planners

Things have dramatically changed in a matter of days for many. School closures, self-quarantine and tough decisions about cancel meetings and events. While these are not the easiest decisions, experts have recommended social distancing in order to help slowdown the spread of COVID-19 and "flatten the curve".

The Ultimate Guide to Physical Asset Optimization for Facility Managers and Building Owners

The discipline of Facility Management is more than managing property assets; it is crucial to achieving maximum value from workplace and environmental benefits that improve productivity and protect employees and consumers.

What are the benefits of Blockchain for Facilities Managers?

Welcome to the world of blockchain technology and its impact on facility management! As a facility manager, you know how important it is to streamline operations and maintain secure data. With the rise of blockchain, you now have a powerful tool at your disposal to help you achieve those goals. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of blockchain for facility management and how it can revolutionize the way you operate. So, let's dive into the exciting world of blockchain and see what it has in store for facility managers like you!

How Implementing Software Improves Capital Budget Analysis

Implementing software for capital budget analysis offers numerous benefits, significantly improving the efficiency and accuracy of capital planning and facility condition assessments. In this article, we will explore the key factors that impact how software can enhance capital budget analysis.

Embracing the Future: Top Trends Transforming Facilities Management

At Intellis, we keep a keen eye on the technological developments that are redefining the future of the Facilities Management Industry. Our mission is to harness the latest tech advancements with our mobile enterprise solutions so that we can provide our clients with the very best software solutions to ensure healthy buildings and infrastructure while reducing costs, improving productivity, and boosting sustainability. Here are the top trends transforming the Facilities Management Industry.

3 Smart Tips for Getting your Capital Planning Projects Approved

As a facility manager coming from a background in engineering or operations, preparing and presenting a funding proposal may not come easily. So we put together a quick guide with 3 smart tips to help you ensure that your capital planning projects are approved in the new year!

What is the difference between Capital Investment and Capital Planning?

Often the concepts of capital planning versus capital investment strategy are confused. Many property executives would quote the sum of money that they anticipate spending over the next 12 months on their buildings when referring to their capital investment strategy. While that amount is important, in actual fact, the figure itself has more to do with budgeting than it does strategy.

How technology gives better insight and visibility into the performance of Corporate Real Estate Portfolios

How technology offers better insight and visibility into the performance of Corporate Real Estate Portfolios.