Discover the Future with the Intellis Blog

Your go-to source for thought-provoking articles on strategic facility planning, tech insights, industry trends, and innovation in facilities management.

Intellis Beginner's Guide to Effective Capital Planning Solutions for Facility Managers

Welcome to our beginner's guide on facility capital planning solutions explicitly designed for facility managers. As a facility manager, you understand the importance of making informed decisions to manage your facility's assets and resources effectively. Capital planning plays a pivotal role in maximizing your budget, optimizing operations, and ensuring the long-term success of your facility.

Celebrating Earth Day: The Importance of Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future

Celebrating Earth Day: The Importance of Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future Happy Earth Day! Today, we celebrate the importance of protecting our planet and, at the heart of it, its infrastructure. The health of our buildings and infrastructure directly affects the well-being of humans and the environment. Therefore, maintaining the built environment is critical.

Intellis' Guide to Improving Facilities on Campus: K-12 Schools, Universities and Colleges

We recently attended the Opal Edu-Tech Facilities Summit in Palm Springs, CA, and met many Facility Management leaders from across the country. It was an excellent opportunity to learn about their challenges and discuss how Intellis can support facility planning by implementing technology like the FOUNDATION Solution.

5 Impactful Ways to Align Facility Capital Investments with Business Initiatives

What are the most impactful ways to align facility capital investments with business goals? Facilities play a crucial role in supporting the operations and success of all businesses. As a result, facility capital investments significantly impact a company's bottom line. However, to ensure that these investments align with the company mission, it is essential to consider several key factors. This blog will explore the best strategies to align facility capital investments with business initiatives.

What is a Facility Planning Platform?

What is a Facility Planning Platform? A Facility Planning Platform supports facility condition assessments and facility capital planning programs. It enables facility teams to align facility capital planning programs with mission-critical institutional performance metrics such as net operating income, improved operating efficiency, and overall business improvement.

Find out how software improves facility capital planning for Sports Complexes, Stadiums, Athletic Facilities, and Entertainment Arenas

How does software improve Sports Arenas, Athletic Facilities, and Entertainment Stadiums? Read this blog to discover how technology improves facility capital planning for Sports Complexes, Athletic Facilities, and Entertainment Stadiums.

How technology improves aging buildings and infrastructure

How to use technology to improve aging building stock and infrastructure Let's talk about how using technology improves aging buildings and infrastructure! Facility managers face complex decisions about whether they should plan to build, renovate, or demolish aging buildings and infrastructure. Making these decisions is compounded by the need for increased operational efficiency, improved technology, and better financial returns, notably following disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic.

December Event Digest

December Event Digest This past month was busy here at Intellis! We attended several industry events, such as HEFF (Higher Education Forum) in Palm Springs and the Opal Campus Facilities Summit in Los Angeles, where we spoke with leading Facilities Management directors about best practices and solutions for improving higher education facilities. We're excited to share what we learned so you and your organization can benefit from this information. 

Are you considering software for facility capital planning?

Are you considering software for facility capital planning? Now is the time to toss those paper reports! Implementing software for Facility Condition Assessment eliminates the need for outdated methods like pencils, paper, and excel spreadsheets. Instead, upgrade to Intellis software for strategic facility planning and wave goodbye to facility planning challenges with our facility condition assessment (FCA) solution.

Why we're excited to attend the Higher Ed Facilities Forum

Are you headed to the Higher Ed Facilities Forum (HEFF) this weekend? The Intellis team will be there, and it would be great to see you too!