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Are Facility Condition Assessments really necessary?

Are Facility Condition Assessments really necessary?

Yes! Facility Condition Assessments really are necessary. FCAs are essential to maintaining a successful business.

Do you know how well your facility is equipped to meet your organization's needs this year? Next year? Five years from now? Examining every piece of equipment will give you definitive answers to these questions.

FCAs are a valuable tool for assessing your equipment's ability to meet the organization's needs. Implementing facility condition assessment software will simplify the process.

Discover a better way to perform facility condition assessments. Schedule a demo with us to learn more.

So why are Facility Condition Assessments necessary?

Facility Condition Assessments are necessary because they determine how the facility is prepared to meet its intended purpose. A facility condition assessment is similar to other risk analysis scenarios. First, an FCA identifies the keys to the operation and support structure. Then, it anticipates the potential issues. 

What is a Facility Condition Assessment? 

A Facility Condition Assessment is a process of collecting data on physical assets across all of an organization's facilities.

Facility Condition Assessments determine long-term capital planning needs for the buildings they occupy. An FCA looks at each piece of equipment and provides specific data regarding future repairs, maintenance, and replacements.

Data collected during FCAs helps you:

  • Plan for upcoming expenditures.
  • Budget for maintenance and repairs.
  • Predict valuable equipment life.
  • Focus your preventive care where it's needed most.
  • Mitigate spending on unexpected events like climate events, pandemics, or emergencies. 

How Do Facility Condition Assessments Work?

Facility condition assessments start with a comprehensive inventory of physical assets and related infrastructure. This is a list of all equipment the facility manager maintains. In addition, it should include demographic information to identify each unit uniquely, such as age, location, and capacity. This registry helps determine what kind of preventive programs you need, Auton explains.

Start by defining the facility's mission and goals. Then, how does equipment condition impact the facility's ability to meet your needs? Each building system is then broken up into individual pieces of equipment. Each one will have its state determined separately.

The assessment of equipment condition is based on three components:

  1. Performance
  2. Age
  3. Current observed conditions

Doing this assessment for every piece of equipment provides a clear picture of the facility's health. It will also help determine where to target investments. 

Facility condition assessment shows whether the facility can meet its defined need.

Ready to perform smarter facility condition assessments? Talk to us directly!

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