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Updates from CFTA 2023: Insights, Discussions, and Next Steps

In this post, we want to share some of the insights and experiences we had at the CFTA 2023 Annual Conference, which took place last month in St. Louis, Missouri.

Updates from CFTA 2023: Insights, Discussions, and Next Steps

First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who joined us at the event. It was truly invigorating to reconnect with old colleagues and forge new connections. We hope you found the event as enriching as we did at Intellis.

Insights from CFTA 2023

The CFTA conference provided invaluable insights into the latest trends in facility management.

  • One key takeaway was that facility managers must prioritize seeking integrated solutions to optimize operations.
  • Higher education organizations also demand that all new systems be seamlessly embedded into their existing environment.
  • Furthermore, API integrations are now more crucial than ever for ensuring seamless communication and data sharing between systems.
  • Finally, industry experts seek niche solutions to address specific pain points and achieve their goals.

Discussions from the Conference Floor

While at the conference, we had the opportunity to share our insights on how technology like The FOUNDATION Solution enhances Facility Condition Assessment and Capital Planning. We also noticed an increasing concern within the FCA community regarding the hidden challenges of aging facilities and a growing demand for comprehensive solutions.

Steve Warshaw, Intellis CEO, was honored to present his keynote on Planning for Aging Buildings, where he addressed innovative solutions and strategies for a sustainable future on campus. If you had the chance to catch the presentation, tell us what you thought; we would love to hear your feedback. We welcome your thoughts, queries, or reservations about it.

Next Steps Following the Conference

At Intellis, we are committed to educating clients and prospects on the best strategies to address the challenges facing today's facility managers at Higher Education institutions nationwide. The FOUNDATION Solution is powerful software that makes it easier to conduct Facility Condition Assessments and develop justifiable Capital Plans.

Facility managers at higher education institutions face various challenges, including aging infrastructure, limited budgets, and increasing demands from stakeholders for improved facilities. In addition, facility managers must also navigate complex compliance regulations and the need to adapt to rapidly evolving technology. Overall, facility managers must find ways to balance competing priorities, ensure that facilities are safe and efficient, and meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff.

Improving facilities is your top priority, so we want to share our recent blog, Revolutionizing Facilities Management in Higher Education. In this blog post, you will find valuable insights and tips to help you make the most of smart facilities management practices.

Please contact us if you want to know more about specific topics related to your unique circumstances. We're here to help you find the best solutions for your needs.

If you're interested in learning more about how Intellis software improves FCA and Capital Planning, please reach out to schedule a customized demo with our team of experts.

We'd love to show you how our software can help you achieve your facilities management goals.

Thank you for reading our blog post! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Warm regards,
The Intellis Team

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This blog highlights key insights and experiences from the CFTA 2023 Annual Conference, including discussions on the latest trends in facility management and the importance of integrated solutions. It also showcases Intellis' expertise in FCA and Capital Planning and offers valuable tips for improving facilities management practices in higher education institutions. Contact Intellis to schedule a customized demo and learn more about how their software can help you achieve your facilities management goals.