Case Study
The Child Care Fund is the benefit fund for children of 1199/Service Employees International Union members. The fund manages the allocation of funding from employers and Union funds for benefit distribution.
The Fund needed a way of distributing benefits while connecting with existing and future systems, and their existing system was not fulfilling their needs. The Child Care Fund also wanted to make their registration process more easily accessible to their members. The Fund wanted to allow members to register for programs via the Internet. This would improve service to members while reducing the paperwork for staff during registration.
Intellis took over the previously existing system, provided consulting and system development to achieve an automated benefits distribution system. This system was developed using
The Child Care Fund was able to automate the distribution of benefits to Fund members’ children while integrating with existing systems. The Fund was able to track benefits and interact with existing accounting and financial systems to allow seamless benefit distribution.
The Child Care Fund was also able to offer their members easier access to registration with the web registration component, and at the same time, reduce their administrative workload related to the registration process. The system provided a better, more integrated solution that better served their members.
Intellis empowers facility leaders with innovative solutions that streamline collecting data for facility condition assessments and capital planning. The Foundation System is our best-in-class facility and capital planning software. It is a powerful, intuitive tool for turning FCA data into strategic facility capital plans. Our enterprise systems are trusted across various industries, including government, education, corporate real estate, and construction.