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Maximizing Capital Planning: Benefits of Facility Investment Strategy

Written by Intellis | 3/21/23 9:37 PM

Are you looking for ways to improve your business's overall performance? If so, you may want to consider investing in Facility Optimization. This strategy focuses on maximizing the efficiency of your facilities and operations, resulting in increased equipment reliability, decreased energy usage, and reduced operating costs. With the help of innovative technology and software platforms, Facility Optimization has evolved to include connected buildings, preventive maintenance management, and enhanced asset performance. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of Facility Investment and Optimization and how it can help you maximize capital planning to achieve your business goals. So, let's dive in!

What are the Benefits of a Facility Investment Strategy in Today's Business Environment?

In today's business environment, an Effective Facility Management Strategy is increasingly important, and innovative technology and software platforms have helped facility investment and optimization evolve to focus on connected buildings, preventive maintenance management, and enhanced asset performance.

Automating the Future with the Internet of Things (IoT)

It might sound like a dystopic vision for the future. Still, one of the key trends to watch in Facility Optimization is the Internet of Things (IoT), which enables building systems to leverage data from interconnected systems to enhance the building occupant experience. By constantly collecting and recording data, sensors feed software systems, which allow you to harness and interpret the data to gain better insight and ultimately find and fix problems before they happen.

Strategic Capital Investment for Facilities: Improving the Places Where People Live and Work

Another trend is space and user optimization, an automated process for identifying properties that can be vacated by moving the operations and assets within those properties to other properties that have suitable excess space. This approach allows facility managers to capture facility performance data and optimize physical assets based on real-time insights.

Unlocking Efficiency: How Analyzing Usage Patterns Can Optimize Your Entire Facility Asset Portfolio

Building automation is also a critical trend in Facility Optimization. A centralized Building Automation System (BAS) will seamlessly and automatically monitor essential facility functions, allowing facilities management and capital planning teams to analyze usage patterns and develop strategies for saving money and improving efficiency throughout their asset portfolio.

Why Facility Optimization is Crucial for Future-Proofing Building System Investments and Improving Efficiency in Capital Planning

Organizations can use optimization solutions such as FOUNDATION to future-proof their building system investments, save money, lower risk, and improve efficiency. With growing urban populations and increasing electricity usage, innovation in the built environment is more critical than ever. Therefore, Facility Investment is essential in the converging movement toward an integrated, unified, and interoperable facility capital planning environment.

Ready to future-proof your building system investments and optimize your facility's performance?

Schedule a demo of FOUNDATION today to see how our innovative facility capital planning software can help you achieve your goals of enhanced asset performance, connected buildings, preventive maintenance management, and improved overall business performance. Don't miss out on the benefits of Facility Optimization – book your demo now!


Facility Investment and Optimization is a strategy that helps businesses improve overall performance by enhancing facilities and operations. One way to achieve this is by using facility capital planning software. Intellis software allows enterprises to streamline facility management processes and allocate resources, increasing efficiency and cost savings. Software reduces downtime and improves productivity by automating maintenance scheduling, inventory management, and procurement tasks. Additionally, Intellis software provides valuable insights and analytics to help businesses make informed decisions about facilities and operations. Implementing facility optimization strategies, such as facility capital planning software, helps companies stay competitive and achieve long-term success.